User Experience Research and Design


The Architect of anything must have vision.The vision will evolve. It must be flexible so that ongoing findings from research, design and continued iteration can influence the experience and make it better for the humans that need to interact.

I believe collaboration is the key to creating the best experience. Collaboration with the people that make the product and the people that will ultimately use it. This involves all levels of interaction.Good design can only come from understanding these interactions.

As creators of experience, we have a tool box of methods we can draw upon to find information to inform us. It is the best practitioners that choose wisely. Only over time do we understand how flexible that set of tools can be when wielded by the practiced designer. So keep practicing, never stop learning. The way to find the solution is to embrace the fact that you don’t know the answer when you begin. Remember the space in between.

I practice the art, science and craft of organizing information, collaborating with people, and problem solving to drive toward a vision, execution and ongoing improvement for an excellent User Experience. I make the complex clear. I am an Information Architect.

FIND ME @evoljennifer

I earned my education in Theater and English and I believe this background prepared me for the ability to plan and execute quickly while being prepared for changes along the way.It also trained me to communicate effectively through creative written and verbal methods.

  • I am a strong leader and mentor.
  • I am an expert individual contributor.
  • I believe in being agile and flexible.
  • I am ready to experiment and take risks.
  • I have passion for this work that includes a love for solving complex problems.
  • I bring an infectious enthusiasm and work to infuse the team with that energy.
  • I believe in helping community grow online
  • I want to be part of helping companies understand how to interact with customers.
  • I have worked at big companies, small companies, an ad agency and user experience consultancies.
  • I understand the challenges that face teams in many different environments.

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